Upload Multi Images

Max size is 2 MB per file.

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Exclusive Cloud Benefits.

You can share multiple files, images, PDFs, documents, and videos. The easy, fast, and secure way to send your files around the world without needing an account. Share your files, photos, and videos right now.

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Advanced Cloud Security.

By choosing Upload Files DS to store or move your files, you benefit from a securely fortified cloud platform, based in Europe. To safeguard the integrity and privacy of data exchanged between Upload Files DS and servers, all transmissions are encrypted using SSL/TLS.

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Powerful File Manager

Create and organize folders, upload your files, specify who to send the access link to your folders and files, share them or keep them private and inaccessible to internet users.

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Data Privacy

We do not sell or distribute our users' email addresses or personal information to third parties. Your personal data is encrypted in transit using SSL/TLS (https) and at rest using advanced encryption standards, and each encryption key is further encrypted with a set of master keys on a regular rotation schedule.